God Bless Playboy!

Earlier today I was driving to Jungle Jims – better known as the most amazing grocery store in the world – and the car in front of mine had a bumper sticker that said “God Bless America!” along with a Jesus fish (icthus).  That’s not an uncommon sighting, in my neck of the woods (I usually see about three or four of those stickers a day) or anywhere else across America.  It’s the basic tagline of patriotism, God Bless America.

So I see this car, and for some reason the sticker bothered me (more than usual).  Perhaps it was the church I passed erecting a flagpole with an American flag majestically billowing over a Christian flag.  Maybe it was the fact that I had just seen some shirts on sale at Family Christian with an American flag and a scripture snippet “By His stripes we are healed.”  Whatever the reason, this “God Bless America” sticker really got me thinking.

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Contentment – The $12 Principle

Have you ever sold books at Half-Price?  I remember my very first Half-Price experience.  I brought a brand new, never highlighted, semi-uncracked-spine, 954 page Anatomy and Physiology book that I had paid $300 for…and received $28 dollars in return.  A nice employee tried to explain the logistics of Amazon.com pricing, net worth, updated editions, and yadda yadda yadda – I left with an even $30.  In King James terminology, Half-Price did tithe unto me.

Let.  Down.

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How Does Your Garden Grow

I’m an experienced gardener.  And by “experienced,” I mean that I spent approximately twelve hours [total] in my front yard last June pulling weeds and planting seventeen perennials.  Three of my plants returned this spring.  Fourteen of my plants withered away after spending less than a week in my soil, precious begonias among that number.  Alas!  Alack!  And other such poetic laments.  I have gardening experience, but minimal gardening success.

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Good Things #1

I love to share, and I love a lot of things.  I just love, as Martha Stewart says, good things.  So I’ve decided that once a week (shooting for every Friday), I will post my hodge-podge list of “good things.”  Some may be new to you, and some may not – I just hope that you enjoy it all with me:)

Let’s begin!

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In Search of a Silver Lining…

I love storms…now.  When I was younger, I hated them with bookish excitement and dread.  As soon as my lights flickered, I would be in the basement wrapped in a comforter, singing old Negro spirituals.  However, as I grew, I learned that storms are beautiful lullabies.  Heavy rain, Dark clouds, thick fogs, low light, loud thunder, bright lightning, bouncing hail – you name it, it sends excited shivers up and down my spine.  Storms are beautiful in a wild, savage-esque way.  They’re the perfect backdrop for a giant mug of chamomile tea w/accompanying introspective thoughts.

Like I said, I love storms.

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Who Told Me That I Was Single?

One day I woke up and I was a single woman.  Yes, my relationship status changed overnight, from too-young-to-even-think-about-a-relationship to SINGLE.

My fingers burn just typing that: S  I  N  G  L  E.  <<shudder>>

What happened?  I mean, really, what happened to me?

My co-workers noticed the change immediately; actually, they clued me in.  Between matchmaking of the worst variety, – Seriously, I could find better looking and more interesting dates at Churchill Downs…in the stables, eating oats…I’m saying I would rather date horses, but I digress – and heart-to-heart conversations about love and life it hit me with embarrassing accuracy: my singleness was showing!

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I Didn’t Think You Would Come

Were you ever in a sub-par middle school choir?  I was.  And when I say sub-par, I say that generously.  I went to a Christian school so we weren’t allowed to sing the standards like “Blue Moon” or “Someone to Watch Over Me.”  We had to sing unknown songs about Abraham, and wildflowers, with wavering harmonies and starched peter pan collars.

My parents were kind (or blunt, however you want to look at it) enough to let me know that my choir was horrible.  And don’t get me started on those band concerts! – as my mom said.  Needless to say, I knew that when my choir had a concert some 50 miles from home, on a Saturday morning, leaving out at 5:00 am, I wasn’t going to get any volunteers to come and cheer me on. Continue reading

Here we go….again:)

Well, if the time since my last post and this post was a baby, he/she would be walking right now.  It’s been about eighteen months since I disciplined myself to sit down and post something…how’s that for dedication, eh?

Actually I did start a tumblr a few months ago, and I blog there on a semi-regular basis.  It’s just not the vision I had for my blog.  I think I have a blogpress floating out there somewhere too lol.  That’s the downside to having so many doggone blogsite options.  You start up a blog, don’t really get any followers…move to another site, set up camp, still no followers…head em up and move em out to yet another site – and with each move, your artistic focus weakens and stretches beyond recognition.

C’est la vie! Continue reading